"The only thing better than singing is more singing."
Ella Fitzgerald


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Bang! Instant Karma

Do you believe in?

That inexplicable cosmic force based on whatever goes around comes around. And not just in this current life.

It is believed that whatever you have now is a result of whatever you did in your previous life/s. So logically, whatever you do now will affect your next life.

But how fair is that?

I mean, what does your past life have to do with anything? It wasn't you, technically speaking. It was, whoever it was. If there needs to be payback, it shouldn't be you now. You had no idea what happened then. Now is now. Then is then. The future is the future. Right? Apparently not.

I guess if you do believe in karma, it sorta encourages you to be a better person now for your future. In a sense. Unless of course, you don't give two flying farks about what happens in your next life. Then there are those who don't believe there are past or future lives.

What about now then?

Karma isn't just about past, present or future lives in a reincarnation sense. Karma happens within the timeline of your present life too.

Loosely speaking, it's like an eye for an eye.

For instance, I wonder if the reason I'm still single and unable to find someone is a result of karma. Goodness knows how many break ups I've had as a result of my own doing. Is it because that I broke other's hearts that I am now being 'punished'? Is it because I can't seem to fall deeply in love with others that I am unable to find the love that I want in return?

It's not just matters of the heart.

What if the reason I'm getting all these jobs is because of something I did right in the past? But if I turn down a job for a selfish reason like me just wanting a break, will that break the good karma that I'm getting? Should I turn down the job and risk breaking the spell or should I take the job even though I don't really want it?

Karma. It's a catch-22.