Playlist, lately.

Kevin Cheng - New + Best Selection
Now I get why this guy crashed out of the music scene. I mean, he's good looking, tall, well-built, he's got a relatively 'nice' voice. Package-wise, he should have been quite a hit. Unfortunately, his songs are boring with a capital B - even the new ones. If this is his best selection, I fear to think how absolutely boring his albums might have been.

Wilfred Lau - All The Best
A little more interesting than Kevin. I particularly like the first track (恢復自由). But if he's not careful, he'll fade into oblivion too like Kevin did. Wilfred needs a change. He needs a hit song to raise his profile again and he needs to get out of hocc's shadow. The doting crush was cute in the beginning but it's rather tiring now. Be a man, Wilfred!

Softhard - Long Time No See
Their comeback album. What can I say? They're still as enjoyable to listen to. The album has a more mature sound but that's only to be expected after so many years. In fact, I like this mature sound much, much better. Let's hope they're back to stay.

Endy Chow - Greenhouse Balloon/Light/Debut EP
My favourites: 温室汽球 (Greenhouse Balloon), 大不了 (Greenhouse Balloon), 地下街 (Greenhouse Balloon), 食懵你 (Light), 東區酒廊 (Light), 極樂 (Light), 物极必反 (Debut EP), 逃避 (Debut EP), 14天 (Debut EP)
Endy rocks! That about says it all, I reckon. He should be bigger than he is. He should release more albums! He should be on Music is Live, jamming it up with hocc!
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