"The only thing better than singing is more singing."
Ella Fitzgerald


Monday, February 27, 2006

When you wish upon a star

Dreams sometimes do come true.

I was listening to Kellyjackie's song, "Disneyland Date", on my way back home from work today. Apparently it's got quite an amazing story behind it.

A song inspired by Disneyland Hong Kong. The happiest place on earth. A place where dreams really can come true.

Kellyjackie was a schoolgirl who wrote a song about HK Disneyland. Hoping that it would be sung by her idol, Kelly Chen, she sent it to the recording company, only to be turned away with a flick of their wrists. They weren't going to be bothered about a mere schoolgirl who had aspirations that her song would be sung by her idol. They probably get millions of such proposals from such plebians on the street.

Undeterred, this mere schoolgirl recorded it herself and put it on the world wide web for all. Ah. The wonders of the internet. One listener became two, two became three, three became four. And like they say, the rest is history.

It got too popular for recording companies to ignore. Kellyjackie was signed up and not only did she get Kelly Chen to perform the song, she got to perform it with her. "Disneyland Date" became one of the most popular songs in 2005. Its simple melody and lyrics somehow brought to live the magic that is Disneyland. And since 2005 was the year Disneyland opened in HK, it just struck a chord with the public.

A schoolgirl's dream come true.

She wrote a song for her idol and got to sing it with her. Not only that, the song was a hit.

If she had given up at the very start when the recording company turned her away, none of this would have happened. It's just funny how things turn out sometimes.

Like a certain friend fretting how she doesn't have money to go to HK even though she really wants to go (to stalk certain people.) Then all of a sudden, an opportunity presents itself and next thing you know, she's going to HK for 5 weeks! Her dream of staking out some HK hotties is about to come true. And I'm so jealous! Hahahaha. 5 weeks! I wanna go for 5 weeks too!

I hope it all works out for her and her application gets approved. 'Cos hey, I might have a free place to stay in HK when she's there!

I'm such a freeloader. But she knows it already. So it doesn't matter.
