"The only thing better than singing is more singing."
Ella Fitzgerald


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Laws of attraction

Women with strong personalities turn me on.

No. That's not right.

Andro women with strong personalities turn me on.

Yes. That's more like it.

Then again, women with strong personalities also turn me off.

Fine. I can't make up my mind.

Basically, what i mean to say is that women who know they have strong personalities and who use their personalities so that they come across as bitches, turn me off.


Made more sense, right?



Andro women with strong personalities.

Women like hocc, karen mok, maggie cheung HY and josie ho. Oh, how they turn me on.

Maybe you don't think they're exactly androgynous. Or exactly hot. That's alright. I'm quite happy to keep them for myself (hah! wishful thinking, i know).

But yea, i find that i kinda am attracted to the same sort of women over and over again. Whether or not i end up with such women, that's another matter.

The thing is, what attracts me first is their looks. Basically, i think it's bullshit when one says looks don't matter. Hello. Looks are what attracts you in the first place. It may not hold you in its thrall after awhile, but it is what gets you interested FIRST. For instance, I turn to look at an androgynous woman. Always. Not androgynous, i don't look. Unless she's like drop dead gorgeous or something.

Then, by her looks, i make an assumption about her personality. Somehow some women have the ability to show off their personality without themselves knowing it, and that makes them really hot to me.

And when i eventually get to meet/know her, I decide if she has staying power. That is,
1) how much do we 'click'? Does she have a sense of humour? Does she have my sense of humour? Does she understand english? Does she understand english well? Do we have telepathy?
2) will my friends like her? will she fit in with my group of friends? does she have the spending power to keep up with us?

What? I'm only being practical. And honest.

Right. No wonder i'm still single.

oh. and something totally irrelevant to the topic. i got tagged by she who says she loves me. which apparently means i have to do this:

Rule 1: List 5 weird or random things about myself.
1) i have to wash my hands all the time
2) i'm terrified of going down the stairs
3) i secretly love to cook
4) i tend to fall in love with gay men and straight women
5) i actually don't mind 'Twins'

Rule 2: List 5 ppl whom u want to do the quiz.
denise, karen, maggie, charlene (it says whom i want. not whom i know), and YOU reading this.

if you don't know what being 'tagged' means, just think of it as a chain letter - you know, those useless bits of information that only serve to annoy other people. So, this sort of works like it. If you're reading this now, you're IT (ya, like that kid's game where you run around 'it-ing' your friends). It means you follow the instructions and you pass it on. And if you don't, some horrible horrible thing will befall you (lose money, break a leg etc. you know, those terrible stuff chain letters threaten you with).

OK, so i made that bit up. No horrible event will happen. Then again...