"The only thing better than singing is more singing."
Ella Fitzgerald


Sunday, April 30, 2006


Despite having world-class bookstores on our shores, this country is a sad sad place for books.

When Borders first announced it was opening here, I was jumping with joy. Finally! More choices! Books that the other bookshops don't carry!

Then they opened, and what a terrible disappointment it was.

I can spend half a day in Borders Singapore. It takes me about an hour before i start getting bored in Borders Kuala Lumpur.

What fun is there when you can't find the books you want?

The other bookstores aren't any better. With the exception of Kinokuniya.

The problem with Kino is that it's in the city, which one just doesn't really want to go into unless one really doesn't have a choice or if one really has something else to do in the city. Also, Kino is expensive. And they don't have discount membership cards. And even when they do (the Philharmonik members card), it's only a 5% discount and you have to pay in cash! Where got so much cash sometimes?!

Seeing how the government is trying to inculcate a reading culture, it's quite surprising that hardly any of the big bookstores here actually offer membership discounts. Times and Popular are the only two I can think of which actually give an immediate 10-15% discount on your purchases. MPH makes you spend a considerable sum of money on books over a certain period before they decide to 'reward' you with cash vouchers which sometimes can't even cover the price of one single paperback. Kino, well, if you're a Philharmonik member, you get 5% off books but only if you pay in cash. And Borders, I just found out that their latest 'membership' promotion is with HSBC credit cards, which means if you purchase your books with a HSBC credit card, you get a 15% discount. But I don't know how long that's going to last.

Anyway, Borders is having a sale. If you didn't know. So, even if you don't have a HSBC credit card, you still get 15% off books and 10% off CDs.

I was there the other day. Bought 2 books and 2 CDs:

Seven Seasons of Buffy - science fiction and fantasy writers discuss their favourite television show. Basically, a bunch of essays by writers on one of the greatest television shows there ever was. If you don't agree with me, you're just totally ignorant. Yes, i can be totally unreasonable when it comes to Buffy The Vampire Slayer. And yes, sometimes I still experience withdrawals. Thus the reason for purchasing this book.

2 Girls by Perihan Magden (translated by Brendan Freely) - how could i resist a book with such a title? True enough, reading the blurb on the back confirmed it. Two girls. A relationship. A murder mystery. Set in Turkey. Ok, so the murder mystery and Turkey bit weren't really the pulling factors. Guess which ones were? It took me awhile to decide to buy it though. I mean the temptation definitely was there, but it was RM59.90! Then I remembered the 15% discount, so what the heck.

Jack Johnson 'In Between Dreams' and 'Music from the film, Curious George' - 2 CDs for RM70. Even though I had already downloaded these two albums, i felt I had to show my support for him by purchasing his original CDs. Ok, i lie. i just thought it was a pretty good deal at that price.


And I realised that they've taken Rita Mae Brown off their shelves. Not only them, but MPH as well! What the hell? I can't seem to find any Rita Mae Brown books now.

Did they suddenly realise that she writes lesbian stories and so decided to remove all her books even though some of them aren't even lesbian stories?


How else do you explain the sudden disappearance of all her books? Don't tell me everybody decided to buy Rita Mae Brown at the same time?

I also want the comic book series, Jane's World. Which, because of its lesbian theme, i'm downright sure i will never be able to find it in this country. And Amazon is just too bloody expensive! Why don't they ever have free shipping to Malaysia?! So irritating...

So many books to buy. Nowhere except Amazon to buy them from.

Someone here has to open a gay & lesbian bookshop. No, not me. 'Cos I'm just the ideas person. Not the 'doing' person. So, go take my idea, open one and give me free membership for life (which means 50% off books. I'm nice. Notice how I didn't say 'free' books.)


I forgot I got tagged earlier. So I have to do this.

1. Who are you?
they call me jo.

2. Are we friends?
oh yeah. and not just that. hahaha.

3. When and how did we meet?
you do know what a 'wonderful' memory i have, don't you?

4. Do you have a crush on me?
isn't it obvious? hahaha.

5. Would you ever be attracted to me?
you already know the answer to that. hahaha.

6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
hottie. 'cos you are. (ok, fine. sometimes i'm just not very creative.)

7. Describe me in one word.

8. What was your first impression?
so young!

9. Do you still think that way about me now?

10. What reminds you of me?

11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
a contract with PMPS.

12. How well do you know me?
as well as i know myself. which doesn't really say much.

13. When's the last time you saw me?
does your photo count?

14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
yes. hahaha. and i still can't and won't.

15. Will you ever die for me?
hmmm. i should never answer loaded questions. and this one is definitely very loaded. hahahaha.

Now I have to tag 5 people who have to write about me. So. back to you, the one who tagged me in the first place, moin, suki, lepra, junny. When you're done, tag another 5 people (I exempt myself). Yes, totally 'mo liu' but like how they say in chain letters, all bad things will befall you if you don't. Such lovely encouragement, isn't it?