"The only thing better than singing is more singing."
Ella Fitzgerald


Wednesday, May 03, 2006

3rd May

My, how time flies.

I can't believe it's already May.


The month reminds me of hocc and WOD's birthdays. Neither of which i'll probably attend/celebrate. Can't believe it's been more than a year since i met WOD. Can't believe at that time we were in the same karaoke room celebrating her birthday. So many things have happened since then. So many things. And all that while, never once did we actually get close or hit it off. I guess you only knew me as so-and-so's friend. And you still do. Oh well. Happy Birthday and I wish you all the happiness in the world.


Back to today.

Let's see. What did I do all of 3rd May?

Woke up.
Had brunch.
Read papers.
Read book.
Watched TV.
Had dinner.
Watched TV.
Came online.
Now blogging.

I live such a terribly exciting life, don't i?

I think the closest thing to excitement is getting tagged and doing mindless questionnaires like this one below.

four jobs you have had in your life:
1. telephone operator
2. account management
3. producer
4. copywriter

four movies you would watch over & over:
1. battle royale
2. justice, my foot
3. saving face
4. so close

four places you have lived:
1. pj
2. pantai hills
3. melbourne
4. damansara heights

four tv shows that you love to watch:
1. buffy the vampire slayer
2. angel
3. lost
4. grey's anatomy

four places you have been on vacation:
1. harbin
2. tokyo
3. new york
4. paris

four websites i visit daily:
1. cheap plastic press
2. artword addict
3. goo blog
4. hocc english forum

four of my favourite foods:
1. sushi
2. soft chicken bone
3. roti canai
4. rojak

four places i would rather be right now:
1. hong kong
2. tokyo
3. in hocc's arms
4. in a ladies' bar surrounded by lots of hotties

ok la. done. and i'm too lazy to tag anyone. if you wanna do, do la.