"The only thing better than singing is more singing."
Ella Fitzgerald


Sunday, March 19, 2006

Hop hop hop

Who says 40-year old men can't prance about on stage like 20-year olds?

Who says 40-year old men can't wear hot pants and feathers like true divas?

I have just returned from an incredibly hot concert. Never have I had so much fun at a concert since A-mei's in Singapore. Previously, when people asked me which was the best concert I had ever been to, I'd say A-mei's. Now, when they ask me that question again, I'd definitely say the Grasshoppers. There was no dull moment from the word go. As soon as the three of them came on stage, the whole auditorium was pumped. I'm still pumped. WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

They got everyone screaming and dancing along with them. Even aunties and uncles! Amazing, really amazing.

Of course, party poopers (i.e. the police) tried to get people to sit down. But the three guys kept encouraging the crowd to dance along. Honestly, no one gave a damn about the cops after awhile. I think they sorta gave up too. I mean, you try getting a whole auditorium to sit down. And i do mean, the WHOLE auditorium.

Two hours and an encore later, they said their goodbyes. The band exited. Even some of the lights were turned on. But the crowd was too pumped to let them off so easily. We were screaming and shouting and screaming and shouting. And eventually, Carl Wong walked back out towards his guitar. YEAHHHHH!

Oh. Slight distraction here.

What was even doubly fantastic was that Carl Wong, Veegay, Hoshan from Pixeltoy and Goobing were there too! I could hardly contain my excitement! Hahaha. Oh my god. veegay. oh my god. uncle carl. oh my god. ah c's brother! and oh my god. Hoshan (this one's for rebecca. hahaha.)


The encore after the encore. The three guys came back out again and said they had sang all the songs they prepared for tonight's concert (ya, right.) In the end, they succumbed and asked the crowd what we'd like them to sing. 'Friends' was a clear favourite. And got us all pumped up again. But it ended too soon and then they said they were going to sing their last song. For real.

But what a last song it was.


Everyone was up on their feets. Up on their seats even!

The guys and their dancers kept splashing water at the crowd (and i got drenched. but i'm so happy! hahaha.) And the dancers started throwing their giant palms (those handlike things you wave about at concerts) at the crowd. Which got the crowd and the guys themselves playing along. Soon there were all these yellow palms gliding to and from the stage.

Have i said how much fun i had?

Have i said what a concert it was?

I'm still pumped. HAHAHAHA.

What a night!

What a performance!

And the best thing about it was that it was free! hahahaha. (well no. the best thing about it was that it was a really good show. The free bit just made it even better. hahaha.)

So. How did i manage to wrangle free tickets?

My friend had two free tickets given to her by Osim cos she had bought something from them. At first we thought they were those el-cheapo tickets, so neither of us bothered to take a camera along. When we got to the auditorium and were pointed the way to our seats, we still didn't give much thought to where we were sitting. We just kept going down the steps and the next thing we knew we were on the ground level where the stage was. We found our seats, 8 rows from the stage! But except for the fact that we were so close, we could hardly see much cos we were so far to the side of the stage. So, when the concert started and we realised that the middle section of seats (the ones that faced the stage direcctly) were still empty, we moved our butts.

We had to move our butts a few times too, cos damn malaysians are really not a punctual bunch!

But it was all good, cos the more we moved, the closer we got. Hahahaha. In the end, we were in the middle and 6 rows from the stage! YEAH!

Managed to take a few shots with my phone, but they ain't all that great (cos well, the camera on my phone ain't all that great.) But i'll post them here anyway. Just to prove that i really did go for their concert. Hahaha.

I wanna dance some more!