"The only thing better than singing is more singing."
Ella Fitzgerald


Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Useless twat

If you're going to read law and become a lawyer, make sure u frickin' know what you're doing and how to do it.

There's nothing worst than a clueless lawyer who gives you useless suggestions and who has no idea how to protect your interests as a client.

Seriously, who the f* are you working for here? Who's paying your frickin' fees?


So why is it that I feel whatever you're doing/failing to do only benefits the other party? I feel like a bloody fool to have thought that as my lawyer, you'd have my interest in mind. But nooooo. I'm the loser here. He can delay payment for however long he likes and what, I can't do anything?

Oh. Terminate.

What a bloody f*king good suggestion. Is that your f*ing advice?

You're telling me to terminate the agreement after the other party has finally come up with the money which he has taken his own bloody sweet time to get together.

After I've waited frickin' 4 months, during which I've had to pay maintenance and other what-nots for an empty and idle apartment.

You're telling me, oh, he won't be penalised for having delayed payment. The penalty only starts thrree months after the transfer is in effect. What the F*?!!

In the first place, if he doesn't pay me, no transfer is going to take place. Second, if he has paid me and the transfer takes place, what frickin' logic is there to start the 3-month deadline from there??! But that's exactly what you're telling me.

You're telling me I have wasted 4 months for absolutely nothing. That this guy can drag payment til kingdom come and he will not be penalised for it when he eventually pays up.

Oh ya. I can always terminate.

That's all you know to say, isn't it? You really have no clue what to do next or how to do it, do you? All you know how to do is stare at me blankly.

I feel such total disdain and contempt for you and your whole bloody profession. And if your profession has a grouse with that, I'll tell them to look for you.

You win The Stupidest Lawyer in the Whole World hands down.