"The only thing better than singing is more singing."
Ella Fitzgerald


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

No shoe

Can't. Find. Shoe.

Can't find any one of those three shoes. Not even one. Not even one that's remotely close to either one of those three.

Malaysians don't seem to like yellow. That's why those Converse buyers don't bring in any yellow. But I want yellow. Now!


Oh well.

Not like any screaming is going to make them appear in front of me.

Oh well.

Oh yes.

I've got another one week contract starting tomorrow. (And just when I thought I won't be earning any money this month.)

Nice windfall. I can use the money as spending money for Korea!

So. I start work tomorrow.

Which means no more sleeping in. Bah.

Really. That must be one of the worst things about having to work.