"The only thing better than singing is more singing."
Ella Fitzgerald


Friday, March 31, 2006

Nothing much

to do.

Until 16 April. When i'll be flying off to the land of...(i don't know what they call it the land of...hmmm) popular tv serials like Winter Sonata and Dae Jeung Kam, and scary horror movies like all those scary horror movies? Whatever. Yes. Korea. South, not North. Can we even go to the North?

Yea. So. I can't wait.

Cos doing nothing has really made me real lazy. Not that I wasn't before. It's just made me more lazy. I mean, I'd rather starve to death than get off my ass to go look for/make some food. If that's not laziness personified, I don't know what it is.


No income for April. But my cheque for March (which is probably the biggest to date) will be in soon (next week, I hope) and that should hopefully tide me over for the trip as well as April. Then it's back to looking for more contracts in May etc.

Looks like I'll probably give ah c's birthday in May a miss. There's always the concert in October.

Then there's June to look forward to as well. AT17 and Chet will be in Singapore for the Singapore Music Festival! Woot! Have to go, have to go, have to go, have to go. I'm counting on you, babe! Hahaha.

Now I'm hungry again.